Having a good credit score takes time, and continued work to help build it up over time. From paying off ongoing debts to ensuring bills are paid on time, there are several factors that go into a credit score. If you are concerned about your credit score, consider the following tips to help improve it.
Pay Your Credit Card Off
Your credit utilization is the portion of your credit limit that you use at any given time. A good guideline is to use less than 30% of your limit on all your cards, and lower is better. You can monitor your credit utilization and overall usage by checking your credit score with a credit score provider like NerdWallet.
One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to maintaining a low credit score is to make sure that your balance is low when the credit card issuer reports it to the three credit agencies. This can be done by paying off the bill before the billing cycle ends or by paying it several times a month.
Pay Your Bills On Time
If you pay late, it will not improve your credit score and will keep it on your reports for over two years.
If you have a late payment, make sure that you contact the creditor immediately to ask them to stop reporting it to the credit agencies. Even if the creditor won’t do that, it’s important to keep current on your account immediately. Delinquent accounts can affect your credit score every month.
Find Other Forms Of Credit
Getting a good credit account can also help boost your credit score. It can be a type of credit that you don’t have yet, and it can be used to pay off old debts.
If you have only one credit card, getting a loan can be a good alternative. A credit-builder loan is also a low-cost option. Before you start looking for a loan, make sure that you’re getting one that will add reports to the credit agencies.
A new credit card can also help if you have only one or a few credit cards. It can improve your overall credit mix and lower your overall utilization.